Provincial's Message
Anything in life worth having is worth working for. Socrates says, "True education is not inserting the stuff of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him, it is drawing out of what is in mind". School is a place where the God given talents in the students are recognized, nurtured, and led to flourish and fructify. Academic excellence along with co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities completes the process of education. And it gives me great satisfaction that the school is progressing in all its endeavours towards the overall development and personality of the students. Apart from preparing the children to quality for purely academic demands, special efforts are being made continuously to enable them to face the challenges of the competitive world. Schools play a major role in preparing children for their future lives. Good education and good health go hand-in-hand in giving children a better start in life.
From its very beginning in 1998 the Carmel School has been imparting value based, quality education. The school aims at turning out students who strive for excellence in all fields and at the same time hold on to the traditional moral and ethical values.In today's society where money and muscle power far outweight an other values of life, this school stands as a beacon to society, manifesting by what it stands for and inculcates in its students that spiritual and ethical values are the true guides that will lead a person to happiness and a meaningful life. With the blessings of the Almighty, the School may continue to grow in all ways in the years to come.
Sr. Beena Therese
Provincial Superior,Carmel School Sarangabad